HR Consultant Indonesia: Solution to Daily Challenges Faced by HR Staff

Daily Challenges Faced by HR Staff in Indonesia & The Solution

  • InCorp Editorial Team
  • 22 July 2020
  • 4 minute reading time

The HR department is among the most important departments in a company to ensure seamless operations. Their responsibilities include hiring and recruitment, payroll management, employee retention, performance evaluation, workforce planning, employee training, and many others.

However, it is sometimes hard for HR departments to achieve their HR objectives because of the daily challenges that HR staff encounter.

Daily Challenges Faced by HR Staff

1. HR Department Can’t Find a Balance Between Quality and Speed

Most businesses want to find experienced and qualified candidates to grow their companies.

However, this will require HR staff to invest a significant amount of time to achieve this goal.

Investing a huge amount of time for quality hiring is not practical as the HR department has other functions to deal with daily as well. So here comes the dilemma between quality and speed.

On top of that, sometimes it is not easy to measure a candidate’s potential if they can help boost business performance and revenue.

Most of the time, an employer will only be able to see a candidate’s performance after he or she has been working with the company for a certain period.

Therefore, the HR team needs to ensure that they need to hire quality employees but at the same time making sure that the process is not time-consuming as the result can be detrimental to the company’s productivity and efficiency.

Reaching a balance between speed and quality is one of the most common challenges that most HR teams faced in the current business world.

2. HR Department is Unable to Provide a Platform for Employee Feedback

Enabling employees to talk about their concerns, dissatisfaction, and performance is essential in building a healthy workplace and successful business.

This can be done through scheduled reviews and meetings and it has to be a two-way communication so that HR can look into those feedback and come up with solutions for improvements.

Also, HR should make sure that employees feel safe and easy to talk about their problems without the fear of possible repercussions.

However, this is sometimes difficult to achieve when the company is growing and you have a large number of employees. This will require a professional HR team consisting of not one but a considerable amount of HR experts to make this goal possible.

If you are a new company, you will have to build an HR team from nothing and that will take a lot of time.

Your Solution: HR Outsourcing

So instead of spending a significant amount of money and time to establish a functional HR team from scratch, why not make use of HR outsourcing that most Indonesian businesses are opting for now?

An HR outsourcing provider comprises a team of industry and legal experts to help businesses deal with HR functions and issues with full legal compliance.

What is more, when you outsource your HR functions to an HR outsourcing provider or consultant in Indonesia, you can make use of the available internal resources on other major and important core business activities. Internal resources are just as precious as your capital.

With HR outsourcing services, you will be able to operate your business with scalable and cost-efficient solutions and stay ahead of the fierce competition in Indonesia.

Cekindo as Your HR Consultant in Indonesia

Cekindo is your professional HR consultant in Indonesia that aims at helping businesses like yours to manage your employees and HR functions effectively.

At Cekindo, we understand what you need by offering straightforward and effective advice that enables you to focus your core business activities right away.

Our HR consultants in Indonesia are seasoned experts and dedicated to delivering practical HR services and support to Indonesian companies of all industries remotely or in person. We focus on lean and powerful HR methodology so that you can get remarkable value from your HR investment.

Our full-package outsourcing solution includes recruitment, background check, visa application, and payroll management and it can be completely customised based on needs.

Let Cekindo take the pain away from you when it comes to your HR matters. Submit your inquiry below and we will get back to you the soonest possible.

Pandu Biasramadhan

Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia

An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.

Get in touch with us.

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Disclaimer: The information is provided by PT. Cekindo Business International (“InCorp Indonesia/ we”) for general purpose only and we make no representations or warranties of any kind.

We do not act as an authorized government or non-government provider for official documents and services, which is issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia or its appointed officials.

We do not promote any official government document or services of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, including but not limited to, business identifiers, health and welfare assistance programs and benefits, unclaimed tax rebate, electronic travel visa and authorization, passports in this website.

Frequent Asked Questions

Before entering into any agreement with our clients, we sign a data protection agreement to ensure that all data are kept confidential across all involved activities.

According to the Indonesia’s Manpower Law employers can hire the Indonesian talents either under a temporary or a permanent contract.

  • Prohibit any form of discrimination and provide equal opportunity for Indonesians and expatriates
  • Increase the competence of the workers by giving or encouraging job training
  • Follow the procedures of termination (Terminating an employee in Indonesia can be a long, tedious, and expensive process.)
  • Observe the working hours, holidays, and overtime regulations
  • Give mandatory employee benefits including social security and health insurance
  • Withhold only the right amount of income tax on behalf of the employees
  • Follow the wages and other benefits outlined by the law
  • Process the work permits for foreign employees

Throughout the years, our HR specialists have had extensive experience in an array of industries. They possess the required skills and ability to ask the right questions, regardless of industry.

As a leading recruitment outsourcing provider in Indonesia, InCorp offers comprehensive services. We will conduct an in-depth background check on candidates to verify references and qualifications.