mendirikan bisnis venture capital di indonesia

Panduan Anda Mendirikan Bisnis Venture Capital di Indonesia

  • InCorp Editorial Team
  • 18 Juni 2024
  • 4 minute reading time

A venture capital business obtains financing through many sources, such as financial schemes and capital participation. The company then uses the fund to develop a venture capital partner or debtor business. Venture capital is often seen as private equity. However, there are some principal differences among the two entities.

In Indonesia, the venture capital business is a direct investment instrument that has thrived over the years due to the country’s attractive investment outlook, emerging markets, diverse demographics, and unique geographical conditions.

This guide will help you understand where the venture capital trend is headed in Indonesia and how you can set one up.

Reasons Behind the Growth of Venture Capital Companies in Indonesia

The growth of capital ventures in Indonesia has been explosive during the past several years, and the number of investments has increased more than 60-fold. In 2017, a total of US$3 billion was collected in venture capital, twice the amount compared to 2016 in startup funding.

Indonesia’s government is undoubtedly thrilled with the influx of venture capital money, which has contributed to the flourishing of local businesses, increasing spending, and growing job opportunities. These are all good indicators of a healthy economy in the country.

President Joko Widodo has also driven policies like tax credits and subsidy programs to encourage more venture capital in Southeast Asia. Money from venture capital not only bridges the gaps that cannot be done by existing businesses in Indonesia, but it also has fewer limitations when compared to conventional financing methods.

Other reasons that boost venture capital growth in Indonesia include the following:

  • Wealthy groups and individuals exist in Indonesia
  • Increasing demand for data mining and management, especially in fintech
  • The surging number of startups

Some of Indonesia’s most well-known venture companies are MDI Ventures, Convergence Ventures, BRI Ventures, East Venture, and Ideosource. Besides that, you can also find names like Sequoia, Y Combinator, AC Ventures, and PT Prasetia Dwidharma, among others, that are active in Indonesia regarding startup funding.

Read more: 6 (Small) Business Opportunities to  Venture into to Indonesia

Requirements for Starting a Venture Capital Business in Indonesia

Setting up a Venture Capital Business in Indonesia

Venture capital companies in Jakarta and all over Indonesia can conduct business activities, including venture funds management and fee-based service activities, with approval from the Indonesian Financial Services Authority. Permitted types of legal entities for starting a venture capital business are limited liability companies, cooperatives, and limited partnerships.

Other requirements are detailed below:

  • IDR 50 billion paid-up capital for a limited liability company
  • IDR 25 billion paid-up capital for a cooperative
  • IDR 25 billion paid-up capital for a limited partnership company
  • All paid-up capital must be paid in cash
  • A venture capital company of foreign investment can only be set up in the form of a limited liability company with a maximum foreign ownership of 85%

Establishment Procedure for Venture Capital Business in Indonesia

A venture capital business license must be obtained from the OJK before a venture capital firm can conduct venture capital business activities regarding startup funding. Here’s a brief explanation of the process:

  1. The Board of Directors applies for the business license at OJK by submitting the required documents.
  2. OJK approves or rejects the application within 30 business days of receipt.
  3. Once the application is approved, the firm will receive the business license and can proceed with the business activities no later than 6 months after receiving the license.

Read more: How to Prepare a Joint Venture Agreement in Indonesia

Guide to Doing Business in Jakarta

Mailchimp Free eBook Indonesia Business Insight

How InCorp Indonesia Can Assist

InCorp Indonesia offers you and your business a new beginning in Indonesia with our best experience and knowledge.

We help you start your business nationwide with cutting-edge services that minimize your overall venture capital business setup in Indonesia.

We are decade-old professional business consultants who work closely with our clients to ensure efficient communications and outcomes for company registration, licensing, business outsourcing, legal advice, and other business services.

We’ll guide you in setting up your venture capital company in Indonesia based on your budget and requirements, complying with all legal procedures.

Fill out the form below to send us your inquiry.

Pandu Biasramadhan

Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia

An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.

Get in touch with us.

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Frequent Asked Questions

Ya. Tanpa dokumen tersebut bisnis anda tidak diperkenankan untuk menerbitkan izin kerja bagi pekerja asing. Izin usaha permanen ini juga merupakan persyaratan utama untuk mendapatkan berbagai jenis izin usaha dan izin impor lainnya.

Secara umum ada dua jenis, yakni izin usaha utama, dan izin utama non-utama. Izin usaha utama biasanya berlaku untuk berbagai macam industri, seperti izin usaha umum dan izin usaha industrial. Sementara izin usaha non utama bersifat tambahan dan sangat tergantung dengan aktivitas bisnis yang dijalankan. Izin usaha untuk operasional dan komersial adalah salah satu jenis dari izin usaha non-utama.

Sesuai namanya, perbedaan paling mencolok dari ketiga jenis badan usaha tersebut adalah sifat bisnis dan tujuannya.

Perusahaan lokal harus lah dimiliki oleh warga negara Indonesia, dan orang asing sama sekali tidak diperkenankan memiliki sedikitpun saham dalam perusahaan lokal. Perusahaan lokal tidak dibatasi untuk melakukan aktifitas bisnis di Indonesia.

Di sisi lain, PT PMA terbuka untuk dimiliki oleh pemilik modal asing, namun persentasi kepemilikan sahamnya dapat berbeda-beda tergantung sektor bisnisnya -- Hubungi InCorp Indonesia untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru mengenai Daftar Positif Investasi.

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Proses pendirian badan usaha biasanya memakan waktu 1-1,5 bulan, dengan catatan semua persyaratan sudah lengkap.

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