Minimizing losses and maximizing recoveries from bankruptcy is indeed possible

Today’s business environment is volatile, and no one can predict what will happen next. Especially during difficult times, some companies may find it challenging to recover credits or discharge debts – leading to the need for corporate recovery.

The current COVID-19 pandemic has slowed down the global and local economies. Various business sectors and industries have been profoundly impacted, leading to bankruptcy or insolvency for many businesses across Indonesia.

To support businesses and companies in Indonesia and help them survive during this unfortunate time, we provide corporate recovery and bankruptcy or insolvency services that can assist you in weathering the storm.

Procedures for Bankruptcy Filing

Bankruptcy filing and debt suspension filing in Indonesia are somewhat complicated. It would be wise to consult with insolvency and bankruptcy professionals who can explain the procedure of corporate recovery in great detail and assist you in every step.

Filing bankruptcy can help business owners by discharging debts or making plans to repay debts. In short, the procedure for filing bankruptcy in Indonesia is as follows:

  • File bankruptcy: it can be either self-filed or filed by creditors.
  • Wait approximately 30 days to see whether a bankruptcy filing is approved or rejected.
  • If the bankruptcy filing is approved, arrange a meeting with creditors for a peace proposal.
  • If approved, the next step is homologation or verification, followed by the bankruptcy being terminated or lifted. If rejected, the next step is asset designation, followed by asset distribution.

Note: if a bankruptcy filing is rejected, there will be cassation and judicial review before going through the bankruptcy filing process all over again.

In addition to filing for bankruptcy, business owners can also file for debt suspension. When debt suspension filing is approved, creditors agree to suspend the scheduled payments so that debtors can allocate their resources to coping with and surviving a difficult time.

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Debt Suspension (PKPU) Filing in Indonesia

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The procedure for filing PKPU in Indonesia is as follows:

  • File PKPU: it can be either self-filing or filing by the creditor.
  • For self-filing: wait for a court decision within three days and go through the PKPU process (max. 270 days). If approved, an accord will be issued. If rejected, you will be declared bankrupt and arrange a meeting with creditors (see Procedure for Bankruptcy Filing – step 3).
  • For filing by creditors: issue a summons letter to the debtor within seven days before the day of the trial, wait for a court decision within 20 days and go through the PKPU process (max. 270 days). If approved, an accord will be issued. If rejected, you will be declared bankrupt and arrange a meeting with creditors (see Procedure for Bankruptcy Filing – step 3).

What to Expect from Our Corporate Recovery & Bankruptcy or Insolvency Services in Indonesia

A team of bankruptcy experts at InCorp Indonesia (formerly Cekindo) can assist you in navigating matters related to bankruptcy and insolvency regardless of business sector and industry.

You can select from a suite of advice and recommendations that include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Investigation of company affairs, including assets, liabilities, and claims of creditors and other stakeholders.
  • Liquidity review and analysis.
  • Bankruptcy filing and debt suspension filing.
  • Debt restructuring strategies.
  • Sourcing funds, lenders, and potential investors.
  • Mergers and acquisitions.
  • Company dissolution.
ESG advisory services in Indonesia

Start Your Corporate Recovery by Consulting with Experts

InCorp Indonesia was established to accomplish its primary goals: to support business growth and save businesses. With 10+ years of experience in the Indonesian market, our team of dedicated professionals can provide expert guidance and assistance in numerous distressed situations. From investigations and litigation to debt or equity financing and business restructuring or turnaround, we would be happy to discuss this with you.

Reach out to us by completing the form below so we can immediately assist you with our corporate recovery and bankruptcy or insolvency services in Indonesia.

Daris Salam

COO Indonesia at InCorp Indonesia

With more than 10 years of expertise in accounting and finance, Daris Salam dedicates his knowledge to consistently improving the performance of InCorp Indonesia and maintaining clients and partnerships.

Are you ready to make your
mark in Indonesia?

Get in touch with us.

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What Our Clients Say

China Fortune Land
Development Co,. Ltd
After comparing several consultants, I found InCorp Indonesia is a international and professional organization with good understanding of local market. InCorp Indonesia helped our company to set up our first Indonesian entity, and also helps with day-to-day operation. InCorp Indonesia showed high level of professionalism. Jump start the business in Indonesia, take care of routine process, therefore we can focus more on our core business.
Cekindo provided outstanding services in registering our representative office in Indonesia in a timely manner. Their financial services have been helping us a lot — our local employees feel secure working for our company. Cekindo became our reliable partner with quick response on our needs. Their flexibility and full support of our business in Indonesia are the main reasons to continue in our cooperation.
We chose Cekindo because we considered Cekindo as a professional company with a good attitude and a streamlined business model. Cekindo met all our expectations as it created the atmosphere of accountability and transparency. The most significant added values that we received from cooperation with Cekindo are the time we saved and mistakes we avoided.
Sedbergh, Ltd.
We were searching for suitable partner for the begining of our operation on Indonesian market. After short exploration and recommendation from our business partners we decided for Cekindo. Local knowledge, orientation at our business problematics, contacts and language. In a friendly approach combined with professional service. Consultation before the project – avoids so much unnecessary act of “foreigners” worse overview of the Indonesian legislative.
We were searching for suitable partner for the begining of our operation on Indonesian market. After short exploration and recommendation from our business partners we decided for Cekindo. Local knowledge, orientation at our business problematics, contacts and language. In a friendly approach combined with professional service. Consultation before the project – avoids so much unnecessary act of “foreigners” worse overview of the Indonesian legislative.
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